Friday, March 26, 2010
These Three
These Three is a book that I could not put down. I'm a mother of 4, and I don't get any time to sit and read a book. It's been years since I've been able to read a book. But this time I wanted to read These Three. I had a few minutes of quiet in the home, so I picked it up. And I could not put it down. I found myself finding a corner in the house, where it was quiet, so I could keep reading. It was heartbreaking to read, but also very touching. This book was easy to read and easy to get lost in. I felt I was there, witnessing what the author was telling us. I was crying through several parts. And also smiling at some parts. These Three is an eye opener of what camp with Bring Me Hope is like. I've told many people about Bring Me Hope, but find it hard to really explain camp. This book does a great job at explaining what camp is all about. I highly recommend everyone reading this book and also helping an orphan find Hope for a week.
Please go to this link and order your own copy of These Three. You will be helping send a child to camp with your purchase.
Thank You!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
No, this is not my sonogram. But it's my sisters! I'm going to be an aunt again! I'm so excited. And very surprised. My sister announced (well actually my nephew announced it) on Saturday. I had to keep it quiet until she told her work. That happened today so now I can officially talk about my new niece or nephew (we are all praying for a girl LOL). Baby is due in October. Hopefully we'll be able to find out if it's a boy or girl in June.
Congratulations Denise & Bryan! We are very excited.
Love you all!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spring is in the air!
I've been told, that it has been colder here in FL in the last few days, than it has been in New England. That is hard to believe. It's officially spring and we are still wearing jeans. It is perfect weather though. High 60's. I love it.
The girls have not been able to swim in the pool yet. It's ready. Just not warm enough. I hope by this weekend they can swim. They are ready.
This past weekend we celebrated my nephew's 7th birthday. I can't believe I've been an aunt for 7 years. We had fun. Spent several hours at his house just hanging out with family. Here are some photos.
I think we should sign Jadyn up for baseball
Tiffani is such a big help with Ethan. I love how I can ask her to take care of him so I can have a little break. Saturday she did that. And she took him to the swing and just sat with him. Well I ran over with the camera and captured this photo. It's so precious to me. And it's rare to actually catch Ethan's smile in a picture. :-) I'm so glad I did, finally.
9 weeks ago we met Ethan. And today we finally received his Certificate of Citizenship. All this means, is we have official documentation of his citizenship. And we can now apply for his social security card and passport. Yay!
Everyone is doing well. Ethan is getting around more and more. He's very comfortable here. He loves to scream at me. I don't know why. He has learned how to sign "more" and "milk" and actually mean more & milk. He's happiest when he is out of the house or when his sisters are home.
Abby & Jadyn still love Kindergarten. They are both doing the RP program (I don't remember what it stands for). They read a book at their reading level, and then they have to take a test for comprehension. Jadyn LOVES doing this. She's already filled up a whole sheet with books she's read. Abby just started and she's not as eager to fill up her page.
Tiffani is doing well in high school. I think spring fever has hit her though. She's ready for a break. Spring break is just 2 weeks away. I think we're all ready for a little break.
Thanks for checking on us.
The girls have not been able to swim in the pool yet. It's ready. Just not warm enough. I hope by this weekend they can swim. They are ready.
This past weekend we celebrated my nephew's 7th birthday. I can't believe I've been an aunt for 7 years. We had fun. Spent several hours at his house just hanging out with family. Here are some photos.
I think we should sign Jadyn up for baseball
Tiffani is such a big help with Ethan. I love how I can ask her to take care of him so I can have a little break. Saturday she did that. And she took him to the swing and just sat with him. Well I ran over with the camera and captured this photo. It's so precious to me. And it's rare to actually catch Ethan's smile in a picture. :-) I'm so glad I did, finally.
9 weeks ago we met Ethan. And today we finally received his Certificate of Citizenship. All this means, is we have official documentation of his citizenship. And we can now apply for his social security card and passport. Yay!
Everyone is doing well. Ethan is getting around more and more. He's very comfortable here. He loves to scream at me. I don't know why. He has learned how to sign "more" and "milk" and actually mean more & milk. He's happiest when he is out of the house or when his sisters are home.
Abby & Jadyn still love Kindergarten. They are both doing the RP program (I don't remember what it stands for). They read a book at their reading level, and then they have to take a test for comprehension. Jadyn LOVES doing this. She's already filled up a whole sheet with books she's read. Abby just started and she's not as eager to fill up her page.
Tiffani is doing well in high school. I think spring fever has hit her though. She's ready for a break. Spring break is just 2 weeks away. I think we're all ready for a little break.
Thanks for checking on us.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Surgery Updates
Hello! I wanted to give you an update on the doctor's appointments.....
We have had to reschedule his MRI that was schedule for tomorrow (3/19). The hospital called to confirm our appointment and then realized that his lip & palate have not been repaired. So we can not have the MRI done at the outpatient office. We have to go to the hospital. The earliest they could get Ethan in is April 29th at 11 AM. The MRI is not something that needs to be done right away. It's just to check to make sure everything is okay with his spine & head because of the sacral dimple that he has. He's walking (and even running) so we're not too concerned.
We have met with his ENT and Surgeon this week. We had questions concerning the Latham device that they will be inserting into his mouth to move his jaw bone closer together. We were able to have plenty of time today to talk to the surgeon, asking him what the benefits are of doing this vs not doing it etc. He is very nice and we were happy with his answers. He said that this will cut out a few surgeries in the future. He also told us, that the device is not as scary as what we've seen online. That it is metal in the back, but they do not "screw" it tighter. They use rubber bands. He also said that he thinks Ethan's jaw bone will move quickly and hopefully within a few weeks of having the Latham in, we will then be able to repair his lip.
April 9th we are scheduled to go to the hospital at 7:30 AM to have tubes put in his ears and to have the Latham device moulded so they can make it. Then in a week or so after it's made, we will be back to have them insert the Latham into his jaw.
I really like his surgeon. He's very nice and took the time to just sit and listen to our concerns. He explained his answers where we could understand him. I also liked him, because he did not charge us our copay today. (our ENT did charge us the $20). Not sure if they forgot, or if he just did not want it. AND, I like him, because next week he's going to Peru to do lip & palate surgeries on children.
We will keep you updated on all future procedures. We are praying that Ethan will only need 4 total surgeries; lip, bone graph, palate (all this year) and nose repair (that will be when he's about 17 years old).
Ethan is having a wonderful week. Full of smiles & giggles. He has mastered the sign of "more". But we think he thinks that means "eat". LOL He will do "more" and then shake his head yes, like "Yes?" He will raise both hands up when Bill yells "touchdown". He loves to give "high fives". He even gave Bill a real kiss the other night. He loves to go bye-bye. He gets so excited when we put his shoes on. He will copy us if we lift our feet, or stomp our feet. He blinks when we blink. He growls like a dinosaur when he's playing. He even made "car" sounds when he was riding his little toy car. He loves to climb and roll off of things. He has learned to stand on his little car with no hands and balance himself without falling. He's such a little boy! I love it! :-) OH, and he has this fascination with needing to have all the cabinets & drawers in the house closed. If he notices that it's even cracked open, he runs over to close it. Today he turned 17 months. Today also marks 2 months since Gotcha Day. He has grown so much in these 2 months.
Thank you for your prayers & support.
We have had to reschedule his MRI that was schedule for tomorrow (3/19). The hospital called to confirm our appointment and then realized that his lip & palate have not been repaired. So we can not have the MRI done at the outpatient office. We have to go to the hospital. The earliest they could get Ethan in is April 29th at 11 AM. The MRI is not something that needs to be done right away. It's just to check to make sure everything is okay with his spine & head because of the sacral dimple that he has. He's walking (and even running) so we're not too concerned.
We have met with his ENT and Surgeon this week. We had questions concerning the Latham device that they will be inserting into his mouth to move his jaw bone closer together. We were able to have plenty of time today to talk to the surgeon, asking him what the benefits are of doing this vs not doing it etc. He is very nice and we were happy with his answers. He said that this will cut out a few surgeries in the future. He also told us, that the device is not as scary as what we've seen online. That it is metal in the back, but they do not "screw" it tighter. They use rubber bands. He also said that he thinks Ethan's jaw bone will move quickly and hopefully within a few weeks of having the Latham in, we will then be able to repair his lip.
April 9th we are scheduled to go to the hospital at 7:30 AM to have tubes put in his ears and to have the Latham device moulded so they can make it. Then in a week or so after it's made, we will be back to have them insert the Latham into his jaw.
I really like his surgeon. He's very nice and took the time to just sit and listen to our concerns. He explained his answers where we could understand him. I also liked him, because he did not charge us our copay today. (our ENT did charge us the $20). Not sure if they forgot, or if he just did not want it. AND, I like him, because next week he's going to Peru to do lip & palate surgeries on children.
We will keep you updated on all future procedures. We are praying that Ethan will only need 4 total surgeries; lip, bone graph, palate (all this year) and nose repair (that will be when he's about 17 years old).
Ethan is having a wonderful week. Full of smiles & giggles. He has mastered the sign of "more". But we think he thinks that means "eat". LOL He will do "more" and then shake his head yes, like "Yes?" He will raise both hands up when Bill yells "touchdown". He loves to give "high fives". He even gave Bill a real kiss the other night. He loves to go bye-bye. He gets so excited when we put his shoes on. He will copy us if we lift our feet, or stomp our feet. He blinks when we blink. He growls like a dinosaur when he's playing. He even made "car" sounds when he was riding his little toy car. He loves to climb and roll off of things. He has learned to stand on his little car with no hands and balance himself without falling. He's such a little boy! I love it! :-) OH, and he has this fascination with needing to have all the cabinets & drawers in the house closed. If he notices that it's even cracked open, he runs over to close it. Today he turned 17 months. Today also marks 2 months since Gotcha Day. He has grown so much in these 2 months.
Thank you for your prayers & support.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A busy week
This past week has been busy, to say the least. It started off with sickness, and we thought was getting better. Until Thursday night and Ethan screaming out again for 2 hours. This happened for 4 nights. Finally on the 4th night Bill took the night light out of his room. And like magic, Ethan calmed down and went to sleep. A miracle! :-)
Ethan is doing well again. Playing with toys. Loving his sisters attention etc. He is not screaming at me as much as he was last week. That was getting old. :-) He loves to be outside. He is always waving "bye-bye" at us and walking to the door. He's happy when he gets to leave.
This past Saturday we celebrated Jadyn's 4th Gotcha Day Anniversary. So hard to believe she's been our daughter for 4 years. She's grown and changed so much. We just love her. And we're so thankful every day that God is allowing us to be her parents.
This past Sunday was Youth Sunday at our church. The youth led the music part of our worship time. Tiff is in the praise band. She loves to sing. She is also in the choir. We are so proud of her. The kids did a great job!
Today is my nephew's 7th birthday. I can't believe 7 years ago I became an aunt. I love you Colin Boy! Thank you for being such a wonderful nephew! I can't wait to see you on Saturday.
Until next time.....
Ethan is doing well again. Playing with toys. Loving his sisters attention etc. He is not screaming at me as much as he was last week. That was getting old. :-) He loves to be outside. He is always waving "bye-bye" at us and walking to the door. He's happy when he gets to leave.
This past Saturday we celebrated Jadyn's 4th Gotcha Day Anniversary. So hard to believe she's been our daughter for 4 years. She's grown and changed so much. We just love her. And we're so thankful every day that God is allowing us to be her parents.
This past Sunday was Youth Sunday at our church. The youth led the music part of our worship time. Tiff is in the praise band. She loves to sing. She is also in the choir. We are so proud of her. The kids did a great job!
Abby is such a little mommy to Ethan. She wants to play with him. And if he cries, she runs for his doggie and gives it to him. I love how much she loves her little brother! 
This is a busy week for us. Today I took Ethan to the ENT for pre-op visit. It really did not do much, except let her look in his ears one more time. He gets tubes put in April 9th. Thursday we are going to see the surgeon for his pre-op visit. On April 9th the surgeon is fitting Ethan for the Latham device that will be put in his mouth soon. Then on Friday Ethan is getting an MRI done on his head and back. This is because he has a dimple that we are a little concerned about. the MRI should answer some questions for us. 
Today is my nephew's 7th birthday. I can't believe 7 years ago I became an aunt. I love you Colin Boy! Thank you for being such a wonderful nephew! I can't wait to see you on Saturday.
Until next time.....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sign the Petition
PLEASE, for the sake of the children, SIGN this petition.
Under the new Hague rules, the US is requiring all newly international adopted children be up to date on their vaccinations before entering the US. Because of this new rule, Ethan HAD to get 7 shots in Guangzhou, China. This is unhealthy. Our own pediatrician does not give that many vaccinations at once. Of course, the children spike fevers with so much vaccines in them.
PLEASE take a moment and sign this petition. Even if you do not plan to adopt, know much about international adoption etc. Your signature will help.
THANK YOU in advance.
Under the new Hague rules, the US is requiring all newly international adopted children be up to date on their vaccinations before entering the US. Because of this new rule, Ethan HAD to get 7 shots in Guangzhou, China. This is unhealthy. Our own pediatrician does not give that many vaccinations at once. Of course, the children spike fevers with so much vaccines in them.
PLEASE take a moment and sign this petition. Even if you do not plan to adopt, know much about international adoption etc. Your signature will help.
THANK YOU in advance.
Monday, March 8, 2010
What a day.....
I had hoped that today would start a new, fresh week. One with no illness. We've gone through strep, ear infections, coughing, diarrhea, diaper rash etc. And that was just Jadyn & Ethan. such luck. Abby started not feeling well yesterday. But she felt better when she went to bed. And this morning she was her normal, happy self. So we went to school.
Today Abby was being recognized as Terrific Kid at school. Each month each class chooses a child who represents the character trait that they are learning about that month. The month of Feb was Caring. Abby was chosen because she cares for others.
So, Abby got to go first. And then stand on stage while each other child was called. We were almost finished with 2nd grade and a mom tapped me and said "She's throwing up". Oh my word! Yep, she threw up all over the floor. So I jumped up and with the help of another mom started to clean her up. We started to walk out and she threw up again. All during the ceremony.
So of course we had to leave school. Abby came home with us. At least she got her certificate. :-)
Ethan is doing better. His diaper rash is almost gone. Thanks to friends suggestions on what to put on his rash. I bought bag balm. I've never heard of it before. It did the trick!
Tonight was a good night. Everyone was in a pleasant mood. I told Jadyn she needed to read her book. She did. Well then Abby wanted to give it a try. So they sat down together and Jadyn was helping her. What a precious moment. And yes, I grabbed the camera and took photos (check out the slideshow).
Ethan was also his happy normal self. It was great to see again. It's been about a week since we've seen his happiness. Bill thought it would be funny to see what he would do with a Coke can. Yes, it is empty. Ethan sure did think he was drinking something though. Funny how he can hold a Coke can up to his mouth, but not his bottle. LOL
I wanted to capture his precious smile that he flashes to people (and us). I think I got a few photos of his gorgeous smile! what do you think?
So now, everyone is in bed or getting in bed. It's been a long day. One that did not start off too good, but ended up pretty good.!
Today Abby was being recognized as Terrific Kid at school. Each month each class chooses a child who represents the character trait that they are learning about that month. The month of Feb was Caring. Abby was chosen because she cares for others.
So, Abby got to go first. And then stand on stage while each other child was called. We were almost finished with 2nd grade and a mom tapped me and said "She's throwing up". Oh my word! Yep, she threw up all over the floor. So I jumped up and with the help of another mom started to clean her up. We started to walk out and she threw up again. All during the ceremony.
So of course we had to leave school. Abby came home with us. At least she got her certificate. :-)
Ethan is doing better. His diaper rash is almost gone. Thanks to friends suggestions on what to put on his rash. I bought bag balm. I've never heard of it before. It did the trick!
Tonight was a good night. Everyone was in a pleasant mood. I told Jadyn she needed to read her book. She did. Well then Abby wanted to give it a try. So they sat down together and Jadyn was helping her. What a precious moment. And yes, I grabbed the camera and took photos (check out the slideshow).
Ethan was also his happy normal self. It was great to see again. It's been about a week since we've seen his happiness. Bill thought it would be funny to see what he would do with a Coke can. Yes, it is empty. Ethan sure did think he was drinking something though. Funny how he can hold a Coke can up to his mouth, but not his bottle. LOL
I wanted to capture his precious smile that he flashes to people (and us). I think I got a few photos of his gorgeous smile! what do you think?
So now, everyone is in bed or getting in bed. It's been a long day. One that did not start off too good, but ended up pretty good.!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Falcon Festival 2010
Tonight was the annual Falcon Festival at the girls elementary school. This was our first year going. The girls were so excited. They each had 20 tickets to play games. They had so much fun. It was great watching them. Jadyn of course wanted her face painted. So while she waited in the long line, Abby played games. The night was perfect, with the exception of the weather. It's March 5th right? Well we were FREEZING!
Ethan did great too. He just sat in the stroller. I was surprised that he did not cry with how cold it was. He made it about 1 1/2 hours and then he was done. And so were we.
I have a lot of photos in this slide show. I hope you enjoy them.
Until next time....
Ethan did great too. He just sat in the stroller. I was surprised that he did not cry with how cold it was. He made it about 1 1/2 hours and then he was done. And so were we.
I have a lot of photos in this slide show. I hope you enjoy them.
Until next time....
Changing Diapers
Abby & Jadyn have BEGGED to change Ethan's diaper. So, the other night (when I knew he was only wet) I asked them to help (2 different nights). They did pretty good. I'm glad they want to help. Jadyn even wants to help with the stinky ones. :-) Unfortunately Tiff has not offered up any help, yet! I'm still working on her.....
Prayer Request
March 16-Meeting the ENT for Pre-Op
March 18-Meeting the Surgeon for Pre-Op
March 19-MRI of head & spine (not cleft related-will write about this soon)
April 9- Tubes put in ears & Latham fitting 7:30 AM All Children's Hospital
More request: That Ethan gets and stays healthy. That his cough will go away. That he can stay ear infection free.
Thank You!
March 18-Meeting the Surgeon for Pre-Op
March 19-MRI of head & spine (not cleft related-will write about this soon)
April 9- Tubes put in ears & Latham fitting 7:30 AM All Children's Hospital
More request: That Ethan gets and stays healthy. That his cough will go away. That he can stay ear infection free.
Thank You!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
A little update
Well I found out today that I needed to call Ethan's surgeon to schedule the latham fitting. So I did. They told me they are going to call the ENT to schedule it with her, because Ethan will be getting tubes put in at the same time.
So I waited a few hours. The ENT's office called me. She said that the surgeon has scheduled Ethan to go to the hospital on April 9th. So the ENT wants to see Ethan before that date.
So we go to see the ENT on March 16th.
I have not heard from the surgeon yet. So I'm not sure what time we have to be at the hospital, how long we will be there etc. I hope we hear from them soon.
Keep checking for more updates. Also check his adoption website too.
Until Next Time.....
So I waited a few hours. The ENT's office called me. She said that the surgeon has scheduled Ethan to go to the hospital on April 9th. So the ENT wants to see Ethan before that date.
So we go to see the ENT on March 16th.
I have not heard from the surgeon yet. So I'm not sure what time we have to be at the hospital, how long we will be there etc. I hope we hear from them soon.
Keep checking for more updates. Also check his adoption website too.
Until Next Time.....
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