
Friday, April 9, 2010

First Surgery Complete

We are finally beginning with surgeries for Ethan.  Today's was not too bad.  But he was still mad about it.  He does not like anyone touching him. So he screamed and pushed them away (or tried to). 

We arrived at the hospital at 6 AM.  They got us signed in and called us back around 6:30.  Several people had to check Ethan out, and ask us the same questions over & over again.  No big deal. 

Around 7:30 we are still waiting for the 2 doctors to come in to say good morning. I guess they have to see us before they can take Ethan back.  At 8:00 we finally saw the ENT and Surgeon and we were walking Ethan back to the area to say goodbye. 

At about 8:30 the ENT said she was done.  Ethan had an infection in his left ear.  It "erupted like a volcano".  She said the right ear had fluid but was not as bad. 

We were then given a pager to walk down to get something to eat.  We did not even make it to the food area and we were paged.  The surgeon was finished.  So we walked back and he said Ethan did great.  They will put the Latham in next Friday. That will be a little painful since they are screwing it into his palate. 

We were given another pager to go eat while he was in recovery.  We were able to order our food, sit down and get ready to eat when the pager went off.  So we go back.  Ethan woke up fighting. So I got him and calmed him down. We were able to give him some apple juice and then pediasure.  He was then happier. 

At 9:30 we were discharged.  Ethan did great!  He was still very tired. He fell asleep in the car on the way home.  He slept till 11:30.

I asked Ethan if he could hear me.  He shook his head "YES".  :-)  So sweet! 

Here are some photos from this morning.  We'll be back next Friday.  Keep praying.

1 comment:

  1. PTL - so glad to hear that today went as best it could for Ethan. Sweet, sweet boy - praying still! Z wore that same character gown during his first hospital stay. :)
