
Friday, October 1, 2010

Two Weeks Post-Op

Can you believe it's been 2 weeks since Ethan's palate surgery?  I can't.  I thought for sure these past 2 weeks would go by so slow. But they actually went pretty fast.  Ethan is doing GREAT!  The first few days were rough but after that he's done well.

Today is the day we've been counting down till.  The no-no's are off and he can EAT real food.  He had oatmeal this morning for breakfast and milk.  For lunch we treated him to a kids meal from Burger King.  He ate 2 chicken nuggets and a few french fries.  You can tell by the photos that he's so happy!

Thank you for your prayers.  We could not have gotten through all of this without the love & support from friends & family.

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